Top 10 Reasons to Exercise Regularly (Besides Losing Weight)

You’ve been told a hundred times that exercise is good for you, and it’s true—but it’s good for a lot more than just losing weight or building muscle. Here are 10 other benefits you’ll see from just a little daily exercise.

10. You’ll Improve Your Memory

Ever feel like you think a bit more clearly after a good workout? Not only is your brain getting more energy and oxygen, but many studies have shown that exercise can boost your memory and help you learn better. Of course, an intense workout right before a big exam could leave you more tired than smart—but the two are still undoubtedly linked.

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Do You Eat Too Much? Break This And Other Bad Food Habits

Nutritionists would call a three-margarita meal a no-no. We call it the highlight of our week. Lots of so-called food faux pas—eating until you’re good and stuffed, skipping breakfast to save time—are things we need to do once in a while to survive.

Sure, unhealthy eating habits can cause everything from weight gain to sluggishness, as Charla K. Schultz, RD, a dietitian at the Women’s Health Clinic at the Mayo Clinic, helpfully points out. The good news is that with minimal effort, you can make up for most not-so-good food decisions. Put these damage-control strategies to work and start gaining healthy food habits.

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Toning Overview

Everyone is looking for that elusive, magic weight-loss trick. The only “magic” weight-loss trick I know of is strength training – weight-bearing exercise designed to build and strengthen your muscles. That’s what this section of my site is all about toning and firming those muscles!

Muscles work miracles on your metabolism. For every pound of muscle you add, you automatically burn and extra 35 to 50 calories per day. The reason? Muscle demands more energy than fat does. Therefore, the more muscle you build, the more calories you body burns.

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Your Dinner Made Healthy in 5 Steps

Your Dinner Made Healthy in 5 Steps you think you’re eating healthy meals, but aren’t sure?

If your weight loss has slowed, or even stopped, then there’s a good chance that you haven’t been eating as healthy as you should be.

I’m going to end the guesswork for you, once and for all, with my 5 steps to a healthy meal.

By following these 5 guidelines you’ll know that your meals are healthy and fitness friendly. And as a result you’ll experience healthy weight loss.

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Rest time for muscle growth

Two things are required for muscle growth: the first is optimal load during your training sessions and the second is quite long intervals between them because the process of muscle growth and recovery is taking place not during workouts but after them, during rest periods.  That’s why you ‘go on’ doing bodybuilding even when you are sleeping because your muscles continue to grow.

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