Diagrams That Make Cooking So Much Easier
Including easy ingredient substitutions, meat cuts, and more.

I’m not telling you it’s going to be easy. I’m telling you it’s going to be worth it.
Diagrams That Make Cooking So Much Easier
Including easy ingredient substitutions, meat cuts, and more.
Nutritionists would call a three-margarita meal a no-no. We call it the highlight of our week. Lots of so-called food faux pas—eating until you’re good and stuffed, skipping breakfast to save time—are things we need to do once in a while to survive.
Sure, unhealthy eating habits can cause everything from weight gain to sluggishness, as Charla K. Schultz, RD, a dietitian at the Women’s Health Clinic at the Mayo Clinic, helpfully points out. The good news is that with minimal effort, you can make up for most not-so-good food decisions. Put these damage-control strategies to work and start gaining healthy food habits.
Continue reading “Do You Eat Too Much? Break This And Other Bad Food Habits”